The Exchange Website - supporting pupils with SEND



Dorset Education and Advice Line 


The Dorset Education Advice Line is a phone line for parents, carers, and professionals, who support children who may have special educational needs and/or a disability.

Parents and carers can call 0800 140 4041 or book a slot via the online form to book a conversation with a special educational needs (SEN) Family Worker to talk through concerns they may have about their child’s:


  • academic development
  • social and emotional development
  • transition concerns - Early Years to primary school, primary to secondary school or secondary school to further education or into the workplace.

Please boost awareness of this phone line and spread the word with families that you work with and with those in your local community. Read more.

The Xchange website has moved to a new home

The Xchange website is for families that have children who are disabled. It has moved to sit on Dorset Council's website, alongside our SEND Local Offer.


 Registering with The Xchange gives parents and carers access to:

  • a discount card for local activities and attractions, called the Dorset Max Card
  • a monthly newsletter, jam packed with relevant information for our members
  • a Care Passport for disabled children participating in Short Breaks
  • a directory of Short Breaks, activities and support


We’ve moved the website to:

  • make the information clearer and easier to find
  • ensure the site is fully accessible, especially for people with disabilities 
  • make it easier for families and professionals to see the information they’re most interested in
  • save money by only paying for one website


The old web link still works:, so please continue to share this with families that will benefit.