

We believe Mathematics is a tool for everyday life.  It is a whole network of concepts and relationships which provide a way of viewing and making sense of the world.  It is used to analyse and communicate information and ideas and to tackle a range of practical tasks and real life problems. The teaching of mathematics is based on the guidance set out in the 2014 National Curriculum.

In Key Stage 1 the main focus of mathematics teaching is to ensure that the children develop confidence and fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value through practical and mental work. The children will have the opportunity to explore lots of practical activities within the classroom and outside using a wide range of resources. The children will develop their ability to recognise, draw, compare and sort shape and use the appropriate language as well as explore and investigate using a range of measures.

In Key Stage 2 the main focus is to ensure that pupils become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value. The children will be using a range of written and mental methods to solve and investigate problems as well as develop mathematical reasoning so they can describe relationships between numbers, shape and measure.

Supporting the Calculation method
Please see attached the DASP Progression Calculation Method sheets for the 4 main operations and fractions.  Please feel free to print these pages or refer to the website when you need guidance.